Sunday, 26 June 2011

Winding down in Esperance

Day 7: Esperance

Well, after the calamity of yesterday it was time for some rest.  By the way, sorry for those of you requesting more pictures of the rocks and mud pools that gave us so much grief in Cape Arid - we just didn't feel like stopping to take any and the photos I took when the car was on the move didn't quite work out.

Anyway ...

We got off to a relatively early start (we still seem to be operating in Queensland time).  Had a massive breaky in our hotel and then went about setting up camp in the waterfront caravan park, cleaning the car and getting a new spare tyre.

After some initial hesitation in tackling another national park, we decided to head out to Cape LeGrand National Park just east of Esperance (the brochures promised 2WD access, no 4WD required!).  Well, I have to say, we have no regrets.  It's a 'must do' for anyone visiting the region.  Beautiful rocky mountains, gorgeous white sandy beaches with the most amazing turquoise water.  Simply stunning.  I'll let the pictures tell the story ... oh, and Nick got his first spearfishing experience of the trip too ...

 Nick's first fish in WA!!

The water was so clear - the silver streaks are fish. Massive mullet swimming through the waves. Nick actually hit one with the spear but he thought it got away, I ended up catching it on the beach (2nd fish of the day). Unfortunately I didn't get a photo of it, but it was one of the biggest Nick has caught (55cm)

Western Grey Kangaroo - they're everywhere!!

Overall, it was a great day - certainly made up for our dismal day yesterday. If you're ever headed to WA - Esperance, particularly Cape LeGrand, is a must!

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