Sunday, 19 June 2011

No Icebreaks in Western NSW :(

Day 2: Mungindi to Broken Hill

It was always going to be a long haul.  Over a thousand k's in one day!  We were off to an early start leaving Mungindi - sadly minus one of our vices that would have energised us for the big day ahead - Icebreaks! (no Pauls drinks in Western NSW).

So, after dodging even more roos than the night before and navigating the slippery black soil road between Mungindi and Collarenebri, we had to settle for alternative caffeine sources and a late breakfast in Brewarrina. Actually, talking about breakfast in Bre - what a classic!!  I really must get used to taking my camera everywhere I go.  Caffe DeLuxe was the name - "Cleanliness and Civility" was the motto!! (the motto was advertised everywhere!) 

It was actually a really cute cafe, felt like we were stepping into the past with all the original furnishings of a classy establishment.  And ... well ... they were certainly civil, but clearly over the years the imagination has been stretched with respect to cleanliness - cobwebs and dust were plentiful!!  Nick's breakfast was interesting too - toasted steak sanger (with onion ordered as an extra) literally came out as a steak, with a little onion, slapped between two bits of toast!  Nevertheless, it got us kick started for the rest of our journey.
Sunrise somewhere between Mungindi and Collarenebri

We got fuel at Bourke which allowed Nick to reminisce about his fruit picking days - we even stocked up on some Splash Cola.

The scenery was great and despite by initial fears of a long and boring day, we both thoroughly enjoyed it!  Mind you, we were quite grateful to check into a comfy hotel in Broken Hill.  No more luxury hotels though - braving the cold and camping tomorrow!!

We saw a lot of these ...

Probably even more of these...

And a lot of this!!

All in all a great day!!  Must be time for bed!

Nick's Wrap Up:
Glad we had: Splash Cola
Wish we had: Icebreaks


  1. hey, blog looks great guys! no ice break is a bit of a problem though, hope you'll find them in SA.
    kassie - now you have to get your blog on networked blogs through facebook so facebook automatically updates when you do a blogpost :)

  2. Great blog! Looking forward to catching up with you, somehwere in WA. I haven't seen any icebreaks in WA- but let me know if you do find them:)
