Wednesday, 3 August 2011

We're Back!!

Home at last

Well, it's been an awesome six weeks but all good things have to come to an end, and so too our trip.  We got back home to the sunny coast on Sunday, somewhat tired from our travels and very much looking forward sleeping in our own bed!  Nick was back at work yesterday, and it was my turn today so we've had a few reality checks, but all is good. Quite obviously I didn't get to do as many blogs as I would have liked, but I will go and back date them for anyone who could be bothered to read them - I figure it's a good record of our trip for our own sakes anyway.... now just to see how long it takes me to finish them all!

The wrap up:
Wish we had: More time!!!!!! (you really should take 12 months do this trip properly)
Glad we had: Comfy bed at home ... and icebreaks of course!